Firefly Aerospace is a private aerospace company founded in 2017 and based in Cedar Park, Texas. Firefly Aerospace works to provide commercial and government clients with the highest quality launch vehicles and spacecraft.
In terms of their brand identity, Firefly’s goal was to create a clean, modern look, while also remaining approachable. In addition, being Texas ‘born and raised’ is an important factor to their branding.  The brand’s primary colors consist of white, black, and neon green. For the individual launches, the colors are a bit different, with blue as the main accent for Blue Ghost and purple as the main color for Elytra. [ADD MORE - what are their goals as a company? Why is this approachable image important to them? (if you add that, add it before the bit about the brand color or add a new section about their voice or whatever IDK MARKETING STUFF)]
At Firefly, I was the primary visual graphic developer for the Marketing and Communications team. In my role I [big description of what you did here].
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